발생유전학 연구실 (Developmental Genetics Laboratory)
발생유전학 연구실 (Developmental Genetics Laboratory)
이승복 교수|Seung-bok Lee,
  • 서울대학교 자연대학 미생물학과 이학사 (1986)
  • 서울대학교 자연대학 미생물학과 이학석사 (1988)
  • Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA 이학박사 (1997)
  • 1989 - 1990 생명공학연구소 (KIST) 연구원
  • 1997.09 - 2001.11 HHMI & Vanderbilt Univ. Medical Center 박사 후 연구원
  • 2001.11 - 2003.02 서울대학교 창의단 책임연구원
  • 2003.03 - 2007.02 서울대학교 치의학대학원 조교수
  • 2007.03 - 2012.02 서울대학교 치의학대학원 부교수
  • 2012.03 - 현재 서울대학교 치의학대학원 교수
  • ■ 유전공학연구소: http://plaza.snu.ac.kr/~imbg/
  • ■ 유전공학협동과정 겸임교수: http://ipge.snu.ac.kr/
  • ■ 뇌과학협동과정 겸임교수: http://plaza.snu.ac.kr/~neurosci/
  • Molecular mechanisms of axon guidance, synaptogenesis and synaptic plasticity.
  • Molecular genetics of olfactory learning and memory.
  • Regulation of fat metabolism by neuropeptides and GPCRs.
주요 연구방법
  • Molecular cloning & Cell biology (exocytosis/endocytosis, lipid assay, cell signaling).
  • Immunochemistry & Electron microscopy.
  • Fly & mouse genetics.
대표 연구업적
  • Nahm M, Lee MJ, Parkinson W, Lee M, Kim YJ, Kim S, Min BM, Broadie K, Lee S (2012) Spartin regulates synaptic growth and neuronal survival by inhibiting BMP-mediated microtubule stabilization. (Submitted ).
  • Nahm M, Long AA, Paik SK, Kim S, Bae YC, Broadie K, Lee S (2010) The Cdc42-selective GAP Rich regulates postsynaptic development and retrograde BMP transsynaptic signaling. J. Cell Biol. 191(3):661-675.
  • Nahm M, Kim S, Paik SK, Lee M, Lee S, Lee ZH, Kim J, Lee D, Bae YC, Lee S (2010) dCIP4 (Drosophila Cdc42-Interacting Protein 4) Restrains Synaptic Growth by Inhibiting the Secretion of the Retrograde Glass Bottom Boat Signal. J. Neurosci. 30(24):8138-8150.
  • Lee M, Paik SK, Lee MJ, Oh S, Kim YJ, Kim S, Nahm M, Kim HM, Yim J, Lee CJ, Bae YC, Lee S (2009) Drosophila Atlastin regulates the stability of muscle microtubules and is required for synapse development. Dev. Biol. 330:250-262.
  • Lee S, Nahm M, Lee M, Kwon M, Kim E, Zadeh AD, Cao H, Kim HJ, Lee ZH, Oh SB, Yim J, Kolodziej PA, Lee S (2007) The Factin- microtubule crosslinker Shot is a platform for Krasavietzmediated translational regulation of midline axon repulsion. Development. 134(9):1767-1777.
Tel: 02-740-8737 Fax: 02-762-2583 E-mail: seunglee@snu.ac.kr